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Home > Classroom & Instructional Technology > Canvas Blueprint Courses
Canvas Blueprint Courses
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What is a Blueprint Course?

If you are teaching a course with two or more sections that have the same course content, you may want to consider using Blueprint Course. A Blueprint Course is a master course so all course sections that are associated with the blueprint course receive updates when they are synced to the blueprint course. When changes need to be made, instead of having to make the same change in multiple sections of the course, you can make the change once (in the blueprint course), then synch the changes to all associated sections. If desired, certain content can be locked in the blueprint course, so it can't be changed in the sections associated with the blueprint course.


What is a Crosslisted Course?

With Blueprint courses, the associated sections are still separate courses in Canvas, but content and changes can be synced with all associated sections from the Blueprint course. Crosslisted sections (sections taught at the same time and place by the same instructor) will appear as one course in Canvas. Only sections that are crosslisted in Banner will be crosslisted (appear as one course) in Canvas.


Blueprint Course Tutorials

Canvas Blueprint Overview (3 min)

Canvas Blueprint Comprehensive (10 min)


Blueprint Course Requests and Deadlines

If you would like to use a blueprint course for synching content with two or more sections, you can submit a blueprint course request using the form linked below. Deadlines for blueprint course requests are typically due the same day that grades are due for the prior semester.


Blueprint Course Request & Deadlines


Syncing Content from the Blueprint Course

How do I sync course content in a blueprint course as an instructor?


Note: Do not import content into your sections that are associated with the blueprint course. Course content will be synchronized with the blueprint course instead.


Also note that after content has been synchronized to the associated sections, if changes are made to course content in the associated sections, future synchronizations from the blueprint course will not overwrite that edited content. If you do not want this to happen, be sure to lock the content in the blueprint course that you do not want to be modified.


Canvas support guides for Blueprints

How do I lock course objects in a blueprint course as an instructor?

How do I view the sync history for a blueprint course as an instructor?

Tips for Designing and Maintaining Blueprint Courses

If you have any questions, want training, or need help, please contact IT Instructional Services.  We want to help you succeed, so please use us!

Jared Johnson - 7950 ext
Scott Allen – 7936 ext

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