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Classroom User Guide General
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Classroom User Guide

The following guide will explain the operations of the Standard Classroom

  • The Below images shows the most common classroom components you may need to interact with

  • NOTE: Computer Tower is typically mounted below the desk. Location varies with furniture in the room 
  • NOTE: All classrooms have similar core components. However, some variations do exist. Those variation will either be discussed later in this guide or a separate supplemental guide.

Classroom Operation

First Things

  • The first page you will see on the Classroom Touch Panel is the “Start Page” (See Figure 2)
    • You can adjust the Main Volume. Display Help information, or Start the system.
    • If you only want to play audio from the Room PC, you can do so without pressing the “Start” Button
    • Note: Control panel is motion activated wave hand or tap screen if blank

Getting Started

  • To turn on the system press the “Start” Button on the Classroom Touch Panel (See Figure 2)
    • After a brief wait you will see the “Main Page” (See Figure 2.1)

Main Page Features (Overview)


  • “PC”, “Laptop”, or “Doc Cam” inputs:
    • Press to select your desired input.

  • Volume Up/Down: Changes overall volume
  • Audio Mute: Toggles audio mute on or off
  • Image Mute: Toggles the projected image on or off.
  • Image Freeze: Toggles freezing the current projected image in place
  • System off: turns the system off
  • Help: Displays help information
  • Camera Control: Brings up the camera control menu (more on this later)


Inputs: (See Figure 3)

The Input Buttons let you select what is shown on the projector screen.

  • “PC” -Press to select the in-room computer. (The system defaults to this input on startup)
    • When selected the camera will work with the in-room computer (More on this later)
    • There are no additional controls for this device.
  • “Laptop” -Press to select the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) input.
    • You can connect via HDMI (See Figure 1) just connect your device and it will automatically display.
    • You can connect and collaborate wirelessly
      • Follow the instructions displayed on the projector Screen (More on this later)
    • The Connection Key and IP address is displayed on the Classroom Touch Panel (See Figure 3.1)
    • “Disconnect all users” – Press this if you need to stop all casting quickly.
    • When selected, the camera will be available for Wireless BYOD (More on this later)

  • Doc Cam”: Press to select the Document Camera
    • Note: the document camera will be discussed in more detail later in this manual. 
    • Document Camera may not be available in all rooms


How to Connect BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

This could be any device such as a laptop, phone, tablet, etc.

To connect your BYOD, press the “Laptop” button on the Classroom Touch Panel (See Figure 4). You can connect your device with HDMI or Wireless Casting.

  • Connecting with HDMI (See Figure 1)
    • Simply connect your device to the provided cable, it will automatically detect and display.
    • Note: In the SET building press the “HDMI” button.
  • Connecting Wirelessly (Mersive Solstice): Use this for the most features and collaboration with multiple users. You can wirelessly cast your device using a simple “App-less” method or a more robust method requiring an app. Note: You must be connected to a UT Wireless network such as “Trailblazers”
    • “App-less” Casting
      • In a browser (Microsoft Edge is preferred) enter the IP Address of the Solstice pod you want to connect to in the address bar (See Figure 4.1).

  • This is displayed on the projection screen and the Classroom Touch Panel (See Figure 4.2)   

    • In your browser Click “Share My Screen” (See Figure 4.3)
    • Follow the prompts of your chosen browser to cast.

    • App Based Casting (Full features)

If you do not have the Mersive Solstice app installed

      • Please follow the previous steps to enter the IP Address into a browser then select “Get the App”. (See: Figure 4.3)
      • Download and install the app.
        • If using a mobile device, such as a Tablet or Phone go to your device’s App Store and Download the Mersive Solstice app
      • If you have the Mersive Solstice app installed, select your desired Solstice Pod in one of the ways below
      • If this is the first time using the Mersive solstice app
        • Enter the IP Address of the Solstice pod you want to connect to into the solstice search bar (See Figure 5)

This also connects your app for easier future connecting.

  • When prompted Enter the 4-digit Screen Key displayed in Figure 4.2, into the app (Figure 5.1)

    • You can also select from the List of available Solstice Pods (See Figure 5.2) after your first use.
      • Then enter the Screen Key as mentioned above


    • The Fastest way to connect is to enter the Screen Key (Figure 4.2) of the desired Solstice Pod directly into the Solstice Search Bar (Figure 5)


  • Sharing your screen (Figure 5.3):
    • Desktop: Shares your entire screen. Anything on your screen will be shown
    • App Window: Shares the contents a specific app or window only
    • Media File: Shares a specific image or video file only

Using the functions of the Camera Control Menu (See Figure 6)

  • Zoom IN/OUT: adjust the camera zoom
  • Pan/Tilt: adjust the camera position
  • Caller Volume: Adjust the Volume of the incoming caller
  • Preset: select one of 3 stored camera positions
  • Tracking: Toggles Tracking on and off
    • Note: only available in rooms with tracking cameras

Camera and Microphone info

  • There are two possible cameras available in the rooms
    • Vaddio based “Simple Camera System
    • AVer Based “Tracking Camera System
  • Rooms have ceiling mounted Microphones
    • A select number of rooms may also have a podium or wireless microphone.
    • Note: In the settings of your preferred conferencing software select “Echo Canceling Speakerphone” as both the Microphone input and the Speaker output


  • Note: The camera and Mic connection is based on the Selected input. (See figure2.1)
    • If “PC” is selected the camera will work with the In-Room Computer
    • If “Laptop” is selected the camera will work with a BYOD device connected wirelessly.
    • “Doc Cam” Does not alter the camera connection. The camera will remain connected to the last valid input that was selected

Using the Document camera

  • Press the “Doc Cam” Button (See Figure 2.1)

Operating the Document Camera


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