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Home > Classroom & Instructional Technology > Accessing/Downloading Kaltura From Canvas
Accessing/Downloading Kaltura From Canvas
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Accessing Kaltura in Canvas

Official Kaltura install guide

Access "My Media"

1. Log into Canvas: On your web browser (Preferably Chrome) log in to canvas ( or
2. Navigate to "My Media" on the left side of canvas

3. You will see your existing media and can create new media with the red "+ Create" button on the top right 

"Upload" - Used to upload a video in accepted formats

"Capture" - Used to make a video using Kaltura Capture

"Express Capture" - Used to make a video using Kaltura Capture but without needing the app, less features but more convenient


Downloading Kaltura Capture:

1. Go to my Media (See above)

2. Click the red "+ Create" button

3. Select "Capture"

4. Select the download for your device and follow the prompts

5. Once done installing repeat steps 1-3 of "Downloading Kaltura Capture"

This pop up should now appear

6.Select "Open" (Always allow is also recommended)

You should now see "Kaltura Capture" has launched

Now when you wish to record you can launch the "Kaltura Capture" app on the device instead (Every new device must go through the install and "Open")

For recording with Kaltura Capture see "Create a recording" from Kaltura - Create a recording | Kaltura Knowledge Center


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